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Sunday, April 6, 2025 | 5:30 PM

Temple Isaiah
945 Risa Rd, Lafayette, CA 94549

JFCS East Bay is hosting its 18th annual Art of Living gala on Sunday, April 6, 2025. This year we are proud to welcome Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Nicholas Kristof.

To be called the “reporter’s reporter,” you must be as extraordinary as Nicholas Kristof. He’s reported from over 150 countries, survived malaria, wars, and even a plane crash, all while winning two Pulitzers for his human rights work.

In 1990, Kristof and his wife, Sheryl WuDunn, became the first husband-wife team to win a Pulitzer for covering the Tiananmen Square movement. His 2006 Pulitzer focused on genocide in Darfur. Together, they’ve written five bestsellers, inspiring PBS documentaries.

A New York Times journalist since 1984, Kristof has reported globally, interviewed world leaders, and amassed millions of followers. Known for his moral courage, Kristof’s captivating speeches leave audiences inspired to drive change.

Thank you to Our Current Sponsors


Joan Sarnat and David Hoffman 


Penni Hudis
Aliza & Peter Metzner
Jessica Nutik-Zitter & Mark Zitter
Jackie Rosenson & Nick Gerson


Judy & Edward Berne 
Elizabeth Friedman Branoff & Steve Branoff 
Dori & Barry Dubin 
Naomi Janowitz & Andrew Lazarus 
Nancy Klehr 
Anne & Nathan Petrowsky 
Robin Reiner & Frederick Isaac 
Allen Samelson 
Rabbi Judy Shanks & Dr. James Gracer 
Anonymous (1) 


Sam Alcabes 
Shelly Ball & Jeff Burack 
Melissa Batavia 
Ben Ari Family Fund 
Rachel Biale 
Judy & Leon Bloomfield 
Laurel Bray-Hanin & Scott Hanin 
Carol Brownstein  
Janis Burger 
Carla Cassler & Rabbi Dean Kertesz 
Rachel Concannon 
Leslie Crary & Andrew Stoloff 
Lori & Doug Elefant 
Susan & William Epstein 
Alice & Fred Feller 
Frederick Hertz 
Yoel Kahn & Dan Bellm 
Marla & Robert Kane 
Janet King & George King (“z”l”) 
Suzan Kotch & Ben Washofsky 
Dan Lapporte 
Rachel Leff-Kich 
Deena Levine-Lipsett & Michael Lipsett 
MaryJane & Steven Lowenthal 
Robin Mencher & Matthew Dimond 
Leslie Paine & Herb Holman 
Judy Pam Bycel & Rabbi Lee Bycel 
Joann & Rick Philips 
Ruth & Barry Phillips 
Nancy & Norman Price 
Sherri Richards 
Monica Salusky & John Sutherland 
Majorie & Dan Stamper-Kurn 
Bob & Naomi Stamper 
Ortal Kirson-Trilling & Micah Trilling 
Rhona & Harvey Weinstein 
Martha Ann & Sanford Wishnev 
Becki & Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan 


Sam Alcabes 
Shelly Ball & Jeff Burack 
Melissa Batavia 
Ben Ari Family Fund 
Rachel Biale 
Judy & Leon Bloomfield 
Laurel Bray-Hanin & Scott Hanin 
Carol Brownstein  
Janis Burger 
Carla Cassler & Rabbi Dean Kertesz 
Rachel Concannon 
Leslie Crary & Andrew Stoloff 
Lori & Doug Elefant 
Sandra & Edwin Epstein 
Susan & William Epstein 
Alice & Fred Feller 
Frederick Hertz 
Yoel Kahn & Dan Bellm 
Marla & Robert Kane 
Janet & George King 
Suzan Kotch & Ben Washofsky 
Rachel Leff-Kich 
Deena Levine-Lipsett & Michael Lipsett 
MaryJane & Steven Lowenthal 
Robin Mencher & Matthew Dimond 
Leslie Paine & Herb Holman 
Judy Pam & Rabbi Lee Bycel 
Joann & Rick Philips 
Ruth & Barry Phillips 
Nancy & Norman Price 
Sherri Richards 
Monica Salusky & John Sutherland 
Majorie Stamper-Kurn & Dan Stamper 
Ortal Kirson-Trilling & Micah Trilling 
Rhona & Harvey Weinstein 
Martha Ann & Sanford Wishnev 
Becki & Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan

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