Sunday, April 6, 2025 | 5:30 PM
Temple Isaiah
945 Risa Rd, Lafayette, CA 94549

Featuring Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist
JFCS East Bay is hosting its 18th annual Art of Living gala on Sunday, April 6, 2025. This year we are proud to welcome Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Nicholas Kristof.
To be called the “reporter’s reporter,” you must be as extraordinary as Nicholas Kristof. He’s reported from over 150 countries, survived malaria, wars, and even a plane crash, all while winning two Pulitzers for his human rights work.
In 1990, Kristof and his wife, Sheryl WuDunn, became the first husband-wife team to win a Pulitzer for covering the Tiananmen Square movement. His 2006 Pulitzer focused on genocide in Darfur. Together, they’ve written five bestsellers, inspiring PBS documentaries.
A New York Times journalist since 1984, Kristof has reported globally, interviewed world leaders, and amassed millions of followers. Known for his moral courage, Kristof’s captivating speeches leave audiences inspired to drive change.