Legacy Giving
Your Values.
Your Community.
Your Legacy.
A legacy gift will ensure that our work in the community is strong and thrives for generations to come. Legacy gifts include charitable bequests in your will or a gift of a retirement plan or trust.
Please fill out our Legacy Society Commitment here:
We will work with you and your professional advisors to help you determine the most appropriate gift for your personal and financial goals. Donations may be made in honor or memory of a family member, friend, or colleague.
Your legacy gift, regardless of its size, will help ensure the future of our agency, which is now nearly 150 years old.
By making plans for a legacy gift, you’ll be invited to join JFCS East Bay’s Legacy Society with the following benefits.
You will:
- Contribute to the long-term strength of our community
- Be invited o special appreciation events
- Receive special updates from our Executive Director
- Be recognitzedin JFCS East Bay publications

Easy Ways to Leave A Legacy
Retirement Plan Assets
Life Insurance
Leaving a Gift in Your Will
Bequests in your will or trust may be designated to a specific JFCS East Bay program or to the agency as a whole. You may indicate a specific amount or leave a percentage of your estate. To leave an unrestricted JFCS East Bay bequest, you may use the following language in your estate documents:
“To Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay, Berkeley, California, taxpayer identification number 94-3250304, I give [# % of the remainder of my estate] or [the sum of $ #] to the board-advised fund of JFCS East Bay.” (board-directed reserves to board-advised fund)
This example is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you decide to make a bequest, please consult with a legal professional, who can draft appropriate language for your will or trust.
Please also be sure to let us know that you have included JFCS East Bay in your will or trust!
If you have questions, please email us at development@jfcs-eastbay.org or call (925) 644-7570.
Thank you for your generosity!