Dear Friend,
It’s an understatement to note we are at an inflection point in the history of our nation. It’s a contentious time and so many in our community and across the globe are on the edge of our seats waiting to see how the 2024 election for United States President (and so much more) unfolds.
So much hangs in the balance—the health of our planet, the health of all who live in our country, how we treat immigrants and refugees, the future of our economy, the future of our democracy. The stakes are high, and the results have real and direct implications for our community.
As the election results come into focus, we will keep you posted on the implications for our East Bay community and for those among us who are most impacted. We will share information and will convene a community briefing in a month or so, as the dust settles, with a particular focus on immigrants and refugees. Whoever wins, there will be work for all of us to do to keep our community welcoming, keep our families healthy, and to keep our democracy on track. |